Wednesday, January 16, 2008

in a recent gathering, there were two distinct group, the ones who will vote in the upcoming election, and the ones that would not care less.

the minority being the latter consist of myself. I won't vote unless it is of utmost significant. Well, they say our vote is significant. How to vote, when one is corrupt, and the other is incapable.Democracy is flawed when the voters are not informed properly. Worst still if the election commision is unfair. Worst still if one has the upper hand over the other.

Solution? None. Human are taught to be corrupted. A pessimist view, but nevertheless the truth.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I think I need to add one more resolution.

11. I will msn/facebook/friendster lesser.

We have been plagued with these social networking tools/web apps that we are losing the reality touch. These tools are great and not to be avoided, but at the same time, not to be impulsively engrossed.

We still need the human sense of touch, feel, and interact.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2007 come and go. 2008 is here. Time sure flies. Resolution I have commited in 2007....time to review.

1. Learn Mandarin . Hopeless, still struggling.
2. Regular Exercise. 3 - 4 times a week. ACHIEVED
3. Take up a new role in career. ACHIEVED
4. To be more meticulous. Well, I think not up to my expectation.
5. Read 5 books. ACHIEVED
6. Limit to 5 drinks per week. ( A drink constitute of a glass of wine or a mug of beer).ACHIEVED
7. Earn at least 30 - 40 % from investments. ACHIEVED.

and in addition, i did

8. Took up golf and got my PC.
9. Polished up my cooking.
10. Eat healthily

And the goals for 2008

1. Continue to learn my Mandarin.
2. Get my Handicapped in Golf.
3. To run 10km.
4. Read another 5 books.
5. CFA, level 1.
6. Learn to bake.
7. Read another 5 books.
8. Learn a new skill.
9. Invest more in investment knowledge.
10. To start drawing back.

there , I have said it, I got to work for it.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Time for New Year resolutions. Its good to pen it down in a blog because it stays there. If you write it in paper or book, higher chance it would gone missing by next year.

This year...

1. Learn Mandarin
2. Regular Exercise. 3 - 4 times a week.
3. Take up a new role in career
4. To be more meticulous.
5. Read 5 books
6. Limit to 5 drinks per week. ( A drink constitute of a glass of wine or a mug of beer)
7. Earn at least 30 - 40 % from investments.

Thats goals for 2007. It will be reviewed quarterly..

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Sigh... I 've only completed 4 out of 7 new year resolutions (57%)

1. Visit mum more often back in Teluk Intan. NOT OFTEN Enough
2. Pick up Mandarin ...asking my mum to help me. Didn't pick it up.
3. Complete CFA level 1. Forget that.
4. Get in shape. Started on that. Did that.
5. Cooking. Yupss...tried a plenty recipes.
6. Spend less on alcohol. spend lesser than last year..i think.
7. Stop buying FHM. I stopped...but buying Men's Health Now.

Things I've achieved.

1. Stay in a relationship
2. Change my career job scope
3. Did a 10km run
4. Exercise more than last year
5. Eat more healtily than last year
6. My first visit to Tampines
7. Went to San Diego.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Guess its a bit late for New Year Resolutions... well it took me sometime to figure it out.

Here it goes ...

1. Visit mum more often back in Teluk Intan.
2. Pick up Mandarin ...asking my mum to help me.
3. Complete CFA level 1.
4. Get in shape. Started on that.
5. Cooking. My new found passion with Soup Lad.
6. Spend less on alcohol. I think i need a annual alcohol budget.
7. Stop buying FHM.

I am gonna stop at 7, cos 7 is my lucky number. :).

I will re-visit this year 2007

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I dislike writing...