Wednesday, January 16, 2008

in a recent gathering, there were two distinct group, the ones who will vote in the upcoming election, and the ones that would not care less.

the minority being the latter consist of myself. I won't vote unless it is of utmost significant. Well, they say our vote is significant. How to vote, when one is corrupt, and the other is incapable.Democracy is flawed when the voters are not informed properly. Worst still if the election commision is unfair. Worst still if one has the upper hand over the other.

Solution? None. Human are taught to be corrupted. A pessimist view, but nevertheless the truth.


(T) (H) (B) said...

Corruption is easy compared to a clean govt. Humans choose the easy way out.

Klaw said...

just hope one day that you will be in the other group who will consider changing the way things are with your vote. even if the system is stacked against you, it's not impossible ;)

zewt said...

a year ago, i would have said you're wrong... now... i can only agree.

Manufacturing Effectiveness said...

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Check it out!!!

Hope you stop by!